Message from the Rabbi
We join you in hope and prayer as together we approach the new Jewish year of 5785.
This year, with the eve of Rosh Hashanah, falling on Wednesday night, we will have a 72-hour holiday (and the same will be in Sukkkot and Simchat Torah) as we will merge from the holiday straight onto Shabbat.
Like in the past, we stongly promote our famous Tashlich service, a short service taking place at Himawari Hotel lobby, as the most important part of Rosh Hashanah is the sound of the shofer and this is an easy way to do it. See details bellow.

We wish you and yours ample blessings in finances, family, health, happiness, life of meaning and a Shana Tovah U'metukah — a year overflowing with goodness and sweetness.
Rabbi Bentzion & Mashie Butman

Rosh Hashanah Eve - Wednesday, October 2

Candle Lighting time.

Reception: 6:00 pm

Beginner style Arvit, Kiddush and dinner at Chabad. Kindly register here.

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Thursday, October 3

Rosh Hashanah Service: 10:00 am. Shofar Blowoing 12:00 pm. Kiddush 2:00 pm

Tashlich at Himawari Lobby, 5:15 pm, 

Candle Lighting here.
Evening Service: 7:00pm followed by holiday dinner

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Friday, October 4

Rosh Hashanah Service: 10:00am. Shofar 12:00 pm. Festive meal 2:00pm.

Shabbat Candle lighting here

Kabbalat Shabbat 7:00 pm followed by kiddush and dinner.

Yom Kippur Eve. - Friday, October 11

Candle lighting: 5:26pm
Fast Begins
Kol Nidrei Services: 5:45pm

Yom Kippur Day - Sarutday, October 12
Morning Services: 10:00 am
Evening Services: 4:00 pm
Neila: 5:15 pm. Fast Ends (Final Shofar sounding): 6:37 pm
You’ve made it! Stay to break your fast on a delicious buffet with all the trimmings!
Join us for High Holiday services at Chabad in our comfortable location, where the prayers are warm, the people are friendly, and everyone feels at home.
419 Preah Sisowath Quay. See map
about our shul & services

Our services are open to all Jews, regardless of background or affiliation. Our style is friendly and welcoming. We seek to make all our attendees as comfortable as possible. The services are traditional, conducted with the beginner in mind. No experience needed.

Many of our people don't understand or read Hebrew. Therefore, our Machzor (the holiday prayer book) has a translation for the entire prayer so you can follow along (with the same page number) throughout the prayer.

Additionally, some of the prayers are read in English and a running commentary by the Rabbi accompanies the entire service, including stories, inspirational thoughts, insights to the meaning of the prayers and more. The service includes much festive as well as meditative singing. We make efforts to pick the well known melodies.


There is no charge or membership fee to attend the services. We would be thankful if you can sponsor a prayer book for $30 each. You can do so here or just stop by the Jewish Center.


If you want to be more prepared and know what to expect, we will be more than happy to privately introduce you to the prayer book (the Machzor) at your convenience!

If sitting in Synagogue for 3 hours is not an option for you, try the Tashlich service which is a 15 minutes service done outdoors at riverside. More details at the Tashlich section below.

We are trying to match the needs of each and every individual. Please contact us with any of your concerns.

In the late afternoon of the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah, the entire community joins together in a proud processional for the observance of "Tashlich". A short 15 minutes service done outside.
We will blow Shofar again for those who didn't hear in the morning.
Light refreshments will be served.
Thursday, October 3, 5:15 pm at Himawari Hotel lobby.
Surprising to many, Chabad Cambodia is solely responsible for its budget. We are dependent on the generosity of those who benefit from our activities. We don't charge any membership fee nor admission fee for most of our events.
As it is customary to increase your generosity of Tzedakah (charity) during the High Holiday season we invite you to set up a meeting in which we can present our budget to you and see how we can take care of it.
Alternatively, you can use the link below to make a donation by Credit card or to our ABA bank account: 000099018,
Holiday Guide
High Holiday Picks
The High Holidays is a time when we reflect the past year, and affirm our membership for the incoming year in the Jewish nation. Take a few moments and read some interesting and new handpicked High Holiday features from our site. You’ll find something to share with your family, and perhaps gain a new perspective on the high holidays.