Chabad Cambodia was opened in 2009 to fill the void of Jewish center of any kind in the kingdom. There is no recorded history of any Jewish institution here prior to our arrival. Even the first Jewish Cemetery was open by us in 2014.
Chabad Cambodia offers Torah classes and services on regular bases; Friday night dinners; Shabbat Services; holiday activities; adult education; Bar Mitzvah preparation; Cooked Kohser food with nationwide delivery service; Kosher food shop and Judaica shop; Social support; Hospital and prison visitations and more...
The center serves not only the over 150 Jews living in Phnom Penh; not only the additional 100 Jews living all over countryside; not only taking care of the thousands who are passing by Cambodia annually; but also carries a unique message to all: Every single Jew is important. No quantity of Jews is too small for a center to be opened, and no corner in this world is too far to be reached.
Yesha'aya Hanavie (Isaiah the Prophet) said: ואתם תלוקטו לאחד אחד בני ישראל. In the time of the ultimate redemption, G‑d will “collect” every single Jew from wherever he may be. No Jew will be left behind!